Digital Detox

I just completed a Digital Detox and I gotta tell you it felt GREAT!

And now I want to make a case for why you ought to consider going on one too.


News isn’t even about the curation and dissemination of unbiased information anymore. It’s simply a race to see who can be first and whether it’s true or not doesn’t even matter.

But… If you don’t read, listen or watch you’re Uniformed. 

And… If you do read, listen or watch you’re Misinformed.

So what are you supposed to do?

Well in an attempt to cleanse my mind, soul and spirit from all the garbage the media had been feeding us the last few months I decided to DETOX.

I wasn’t much for news to begin with, in fact I probably hadn’t watched the news for the better part of a decade, but I was finding that my feeds on social were starting to get NOISY.

So I turned the dial down a bit. In fact I turned it pretty much off. 

And I’ll tell you what…

I found peace, tranquility and serenity in short order!

So my challenge to you is to go on a media detox of your own.

Try scaling back even if just for a week and watch what happens. 

If you’re committed to that comment below… 

Upward 🚀