Dare To Dream

You’ve been brainwashed!

When you were a kid you wanted…

  • To be an astronaut and fly to the moon.
  • To be the president of the US and make history.
  • To be a billionaire and buy your family an island.

You wanted to achieve all your dreams!

  • You stood in awe and wonder.
  • You were completely full of curiosity.
  • You were loving, passionate, and strong.

You were never afraid to be yourself! 

But as you left the perfection of childhood the hypnosis and the brainwashing began.

Your well-intentioned parents and teachers said… 

“Oh. You want to be an artist? You want to start a business when you grow up? Stop dreaming kid. Be reasonable. You’ll never make any money doing that!” 

The playwright George Bernard Shaw said… 

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in adapting the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” 

That is your TRUE NATURE!

But your parents and teachers impose these limitations based on their limited psychology and the emotional patterns that they learned from their parents and teachers.

You go to school and you’re taught to live and think in a box.

The teachers tell you…

  • Don’t sing too loudly.
  • Don’t be too passionate.
  • Don’t dare dream too big.

And then your peers do the same thing to you because they’ve also been exposed to that broken psychology.

The possible pain of disappointment and doubt deep inside begins to take over.

You get addicted to distraction to avoid dealing with the god given potential you know you’ve been blessed with.

Before you know it you’ve stopped dreaming and just started doing.

But you are a human being not human doing.

You were meant for more than the cube farm so go let you brilliance and genius shine!